Welcome to the wonderful world of Drawing Club, our exploration of imagination, language, story and early writing. Just like you, we want your child to thrive and one way we will doing this is by sharing the joy of Drawing Club with them.
Drawing Club allows us to open up the magic world of tales and story to children whilst at the same time enriching their language and vocabulary, developing their fine motor skills, and building upon their application of phonics. Drawing Club is a highly creative approach that immerses children into a world full of imagination where anything can happen and often does!
Drawing Club shows children that the pencil is like a wand and can make all kinds of things happen to what we draw together. It really is a club like no other and all part of our commitment to children’s early experiences of writing and mathematics being focused on joy and feeling good.
Drawing Club is a true adventure. It is based on a perfect mixture of picture books, tales, and animations. The approach involves time together as a whole class, followed by time spent with children in small groups exploring their own ideas and creativity. Drawing Club effectively brings the world of stories to life and the children love it!